Washer Bottle Relocation

What better way to clean up the engine bay then to relocate the eyesore of a washer bottle to the boot. With plenty of room in the back, we found a perfect mounting point for it.

With a rear battery already located in the RHS of our E30, it didn't make sense to use to mount it directly over top. We looked at the LHS. Yes, there are provisions here for electric aerial setups but we will eventually delete the antenna point so for us, mounting here just made sense.

Next came the bracket. In my head, custom made option was going to be end goal. I started to get an idea of mounting positions and drawing up templates....then something hit me.

Looking at the boot hinge, I thought - maybe that might just work. With a spare E30 shell on hand, I went ahead and cut the LHS hinge off. Flipped it around and would you look at that, perfect....even the bolt holes line up.

Next was just a some minor cutting to suit the washer bottle kit I had used, drill a total of 1 hole and voila - completed mount.

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